Could you also check these thanks. Could I get a letter grade I'm in 9th grade
1. Who is the Governor of the State of Missouri?
Answer: Jay Nixon
2. Name the two major cities in Missouri.
Answer: St. Louis and Kansas City
3. Where is the capital of Missouri?
Answer: Jefferson City
4. What is the state bird?
Answer: Bluebird
5. What is the state tree?
Answer: Dogwood
6. What is the climate of Missouri?
Answer: Continental, susceptible to cod canadian air, moist, warm, gulf air and drier southwest air.
7. What are the 4 chief industries in Missouri?
Answer: Agriculture, manufacturing, aero space, and tourism
8. Where is the center of the State of Missouri?
Answer: Miller, 20 mi southwest of Jefferson City
9. What is the state flower?
Answer: Hawthorn
10. When did the state of Missouri get admitted in the Union (United States?)
Answer: August 10, 1821
11. What is the Missouri State MOTTO?
Answer: "The welfare of the people shall be the supreme law."
1 answer