Could someone help me with this.


Create in-text citations by following the directions for each of the following sources.



Directions: Create an in-text citation using the information from the following book. Mention the author in the text, and use a direct quotation in the citation. Identify the error in the quotation (they in the first sentence should be he or she), and use APA formatting for all information in the citation.

• Book (one author)
o Author: James C. Brooks
o Date: 2004
o Title of book: How to be a Successful Student
o Edition: 3rd
o City of publication: San Francisco, CA
o Publisher: Sage Publications
o Quotation: A student in distance learning courses needs to ensure that they have a designated space for learning that supports his/her unique learning style. This personal learning space should be equipped with the necessary equipment that the student will need for school and be a comfortable working space.
o Page number of quotation: p. 326

Your answer:

Directions: Create an in-text citation using the information from the following book. Do not mention the authors in the text, and use a paraphrase in the citation. Use APA formatting for all information in the citation.

• Book (two authors)
o Authors: M. Neil Browne and Stuart M. Keeley
o Date: 2000
o Title of book: Critical Thinking: Asking the Right Questions
o City of publication: Upper Saddle River, NJ
o Publisher: Pearson Publishing
o Quotation: One approach to thinking is similar to the way in which a sponge reacts to water: by absorbing. The more information you absorb about the world, the more capable you are of understanding its complexities.
o Page number of direct quotation: p. 3

Your answer:

Directions: Create an in-text citation using the information from the following book. Do not mention the authors in the text, and use a paraphrase in the citation. Use APA formatting for all information in the citation.

• Book (multiple authors)
o Authors: Judy Pearson, Paul Nelson, Scott Titsworth, Lynn Harter
o Date: 2003
o Title of book: Human Communication
o City of publication: New York, NY
o Publisher: McGraw-Hill
o Quotation: Differences in perception affect the way we understand events, others, and ourselves.
o Page number of direct quotation: p. 38

Your answer:

Directions: Create an in-text citation using the information from the following journal article. Mention the author in the text, and use a direct quotation in the citation. Use APA formatting for all information in the citation.

• Journal article (based on a print source)
o Author(s): Brent Bowers
o Date of publication: May and June 2007
o Title of article: Are you ready to start your own business?
o Title of journal: AARP Magazine
o Volume number: 23
o Page numbers: 64
o Quotation: Fully one third of all start-ups fail within two years.
o Page number of direct quotation: p. 64

Your answer:

Directions: Create an in-text citation using the information from the following journal article. Mention the authors in the text, and use a direct quotation in the citation. Use APA formatting for all information in the citation.

• Journal article (from an electronic source)
o Author: Bruce R. Gaumnitz and John C. Lere
o Title of article: Codes of Ethics with Impacts
o Title of journal: The CPA Journal Online
o Date of publication: May 2004
o Volume number: 74
o Issue number: 5
o Date retrieved: April 25, 2007
o Page numbers: 64-67
o Quotation: Section 406 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act requires publicly traded companies to disclose if they have a code of ethics for senior financial officers, and if not, why not. Few companies will wish to explain why they do not have such a code, so it is likely that those publicly traded companies that do not have a code of ethics are in the process of developing one. Those companies that already have a code of ethics are probably reviewing them for compliance with the law’s requirements.
o Paragraph number of direct quotation: ¶ 1

Your answer:

Directions: Create an in-text citation using the information from the following journal article. Mention the journal name in the text, and use a direct quotation in the citation. Use APA formatting for all information in the citation.

• Journal article (from a database)
o Author: none listed
o Date of publication: Winter 2002
o Title of article: The Way We Learn: A Plan for Success
o Title of journal: Public Personnel Management
o Volume number: 31
o Issue number: 4
o Page numbers: 441-446
o Quotation: The learner, leader, and environment play separate and distinct roles in the learning process.
o Paragraph number of direct quotation: ¶ 2
o Database: EBSCOhost
o Retrieved: May 18, 2007

Your answer:

Directions: Create an in-text citation using the information from the following periodical. Do not mention the author in the text, and use a paraphrase in the citation. Use APA formatting for all information in the citation.

• Periodical (magazine or newspaper)
o Authors: Toni Rogers
o Date of publication: December 2004
o Title of article: Towards conscious self-directed learning
o Title of periodical: Human Resources Magazine
o Volume number: 9
o Page numbers: 22-27
o Quotation: It could be said that motivation intrinsic with the need for “lifetime employability,” that the need to be employable and maintain currency in skills and knowledge is motivation enough to learn.
o Page number of the direct quotation: p. 22

Your answer:

Directions: Create an in-text citation using the information from the following periodical. Do not mention the author in the text, and use a paraphrase in the citation. Use APA formatting for all information in the citation.

• Stand-alone document from a Web site, no author identified, and no date
o Title of article: A Short Guide on Leadership Traits
o Date of publication: None listed
o Date retrieved: May 24, 2007
o Name of Web site: Legacee Management Systems
o Quotation: In psychology, a trait is a stable characteristic—potentially lasting throughout one's entire life.
o Paragraph number of direct quotation: ¶ 1

Your answer:

Directions: Create an in-text citation using the information from the following courses. Mention the source in the text, and use a paraphrase in the citation. Use APA formatting for all information in the citation.

• Materials listed in rEsource (for University of Phoenix students)
o Institution: University of Phoenix
o Course: GEN 300
o Course Name: Skills for Professional Development
o Week: Four
o Name of reading: Introduction to Ethics at the University of Phoenix
o Date: 2007
o Quotation: First, some people believe that ethics are legal and binding; however, ethics are not the same as laws.
o Paragraph of direct quotation: ¶ 7
o Retrieved: May 18, 2007


• Materials listed in aXcess (for Axia College students)
o Course: COM 220
o Course Name: Research Writing
o Week: Six
o Name of reading: Drafting Your Research Paper
o Date: 2007
o Quotation: Do not make your case too forcefully, especially in the beginning, or too emotionally because these approaches can alienate readers. On the other hand, if you present ideas in a fair, balanced, and logical way, your readers may be more inclined to read your paper even if they do not agree with your position.
o Paragraph of direct quotation: ¶ 8
o Retrieved: May 22, 2007

Your answer:

1 answer

Since your example(s) did not post, I searched Google under the key words "in-text citation" to get these possible sources:
(Broken Link Removed)
(Broken Link Removed)

In the future, you can find the information you desire more quickly, if you use appropriate key words to do your own search.

I hope this helps. Thanks for asking.