Could anyoneplease help me about this short answer for college application?
I think I wrote a very bad paragraph, I have nothing to say about these two skills, is any one give me some ideas about how to expend my ideas, and help my writing, too. Thank you !!!
The UM is a premier research institution, wit a wide range of opportunities in the classroom, the laboratory, and the studio. Part of your challenge over the next four years will be to find you niche here at UM; part of our commitment is to help you find that niche.
A.Does multi-disciplinary team research with a faculty mentor, lasting throughout your undergraduate years and dealing with the social implications of science and technology appeal to you? If yes, briefly tell us why and what are some of the interest, experiences and skills that you would bring to such a research team.
My answer:
Yes. Since the world now become narrower, people have more opportunities to contact with each other, thus, team work acts an important part in our life. I had joined different kinds of group and been in different position in my high school years, while the most important thing I found when working with people is listening. In many situations, especially during team works, we should not only tell others what our opinions are, but listen to others¡¯. The special experience in America let me know, in order to reach my goal, I should never give up. Perseverance is another element that is necessary in a long time researching.
Yes, I'd like to be involved in multi-disciplinary team research during my undergraduate years. Since the world has now become smaller, in many ways, people have more opportunities to be in contact with each other,<~~use semicolon, not comma thus, teamwork is an important part in our lives. I joined (delete "had") different kinds of group<~~should be "groups" and you should name one or two and served in different position<~~should be "positions" and you should name one or two in my high school years, while<~~delete comma and "while" and make separate sentences here the most important thing I found when working with people is listening. In many situations, especially during team meetings and activities, we should not only tell others what our opinions are, but listen to theirs as well. The special experience<~~what is that exactly? in America let<~~subj/verb agreement with whatever the subject turns out to be me know,<~~delete comma and insert "that" in order to reach my goal, I should never give up. Perseverance is an important element that is necessary in a<~~delete "a" long-term research.
1 answer