I find nothing if I search with both countries named in the search words.
You'll need to take these articles and write up your comparison/contrast:
As with all Wikipedia search results, be sure to check out all the external links and further references at the bottom of each Wikipedia page.
could anyone tell me where to find good information on India sports and their actions and how that compare to the U.S.?
2 answers
I also found these:
Sports of India
Sports of India - Information on Indian sports, traditional sports, hockey, cricket, tennis, football, chess, athletics in India.
Cricket - Traditional Sports - Hockey - Tennis
Sports in India : The history of sports in India dates back to the Vedic era. Physical culture in ancient India was fed by a powerful fuel--religious rites. ...
Sports of India
Sports of India - Information on Indian sports, traditional sports, hockey, cricket, tennis, football, chess, athletics in India.
Cricket - Traditional Sports - Hockey - Tennis
Sports in India : The history of sports in India dates back to the Vedic era. Physical culture in ancient India was fed by a powerful fuel--religious rites. ...