Could anybody help me with this question

"In practice the methanol production process is operated at temperatures of 250 to 300 degrees and at a pressure of 50 to 100 atmosphere (50 to 100 times normal atmospheric pressure) in the presence of a copper based catalyst

comment on whether these operating conditions are consistant with the aims of achieving a high equilibrium yeild of methanal and a high rate of production, noting potential conflict.Then explain the role of the copper based catalyst and how it helps to address any conflicts.

please please any help would be great

Write an equation, including heat added or produced, for the reaction.
Note whether the reaction is endothermic or exothermic.
Then study Le Chatelier's Principle.
According to LeChatelier's Principle, increased pressure will shift the equilibrium to the side with the fewer number of mols of gas. Increased T will shift the equilibrium to the right for endothermic reactions and to the left for exothermic reactions. A catalyst usually lowers the activation energy so that the reaction rate is increased at a lower temperature.

Hi bex, I have my answer typed if you would like me to e-mail it to you. It's about 500 words for a and b together. Gemma

Gemma - I will love you forever if you could email it to me

what is your e-mail address?

hi i wouldnt mind seeing a little of that.

hel en wh ite 31 at h ot ma il

no spaces

Thank you so much

need your e-mail, i think its too much to paste in an answer box

he len wh ite 31 @ hot mail . c om

tolmanbert at h0t, C.O.M



could i have a copy please gemma? If so its rob by bob by 007 at hot mail co uk thanks