There is a formula that relates radiation energy density to the E-field strength.
Get to know it.
Energy density = (1/2) epsilono * E^2
For an electromagnetic wave, there is an equal amount of energy in the magnetic field, as I recall.
For the E-field energy density at a distance R from that transmitter,
divide the radiated power by 4 pi R^2. That is the rate that energy is radiated away. Half of that power is due to the E-field. Divide by c for the E-field energy density. Set equal to the part (a) value and solve for R
Cosmic microwave background radiation fills all space with an average energy density of 4 x 10^-14 j/m^3.(a) Find the rms value of electric field associated with this radiation.(b) How far from a 7.5 kW radio transmitter emitting uniformly in all direction would you find a comparable value?
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