I'll do the first one for you. Then you try the others, and I'll check your work. Note that the PART OF SPEECH isn't the same as what the word does in the sentence.
Mother = noun
gave = verb
me = pronoun
a = article
card = noun
for = preposition
my = pronoun
birthday = noun
Parts of speech: http://www.writingcentre.uottawa.ca/hypergrammar/partsp.html
See the list of 8 on the left; read the definitions and examples for each of the 8.
Parts of the sentence: http://www.writingcentre.uottawa.ca/hypergrammar/partse.html
Correctly identifying the part of sppeech of each of the words in the sentences.
Example: The boy hit the ball.
The (definte article) boy (subject) hit (past tense verb) the definite article) ball (direct object).
1. Mother gave me a card for my birthday.
2 The new mail carrier finally arrived.
3. How many players are on a team?
1 answer