Here are the components you requested:
Core of a word: This typically refers to the root of a word, which carries the primary meaning.
Suffix meaning condition: -ism (e.g., "realism", "albinoism")
Suffix meaning viewing: -scopy (e.g., "endoscopy", "microscopy")
Suffix meaning hardening: -osis (e.g., "arteriosclerosis", "fibrosis")
Suffix meaning flow/discharge: -rrhea (e.g., "diarrhea", "rhinorrhea")
Suffix meaning examine: -opsy (e.g., "biopsy", "autopsy")
Suffix meaning level/unchanging: -stasis (e.g., "homeostasis", "metastasis")
Suffix which references narrowing: -stenosis (e.g., "arteriostenosis")
Suffix meaning in the urine: -uria (e.g., "hematuria", "pyuria")
Suffix meaning growth: -plasia (e.g., "hyperplasia", "dysplasia")
Word part added to the end of a word: Suffix (a grammatical element added to the end of a word to modify its meaning)
If you need more specific examples or further clarification on any of these, feel free to ask!