Cool Crafts
Directions: Follow the directions to complete a posting for the CoolCrafts website
explaining how to create a string of pennant flags. Your completed posting will be
submitted as your portfolio assessment.
Try It
The best way to explain a process is to first follow the process yourself! Follow
these instructions to design your own string of pennant flags.
1. Choose a room you would like to decorate. Measure its length or width. This
measurement will be the length of your pennant string.
2. Choose a size of paper square to use. (Hint: Whole number side lengths will
make the calculations easier.)
3. Cut the square in half along the diagonal to form two paper triangles
(pennant flags).
4. Measure the length of the diagonal. Then use the Pythagorean Theorem to
find its exact length.
5. You will attach each triangle to the string along its diagonal side, with no
space between triangles. Divide the length of the string by the length of the
diagonal to determine how many triangles you will need.
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Analyze It
Use your pennant string design to analyze the process.
Why is your measurement of the diagonal's length different than the length
you found using the Pythagorean Theorem?
Which special version of the Pythagorean Theorem can you use to find the
length of any square's diagonal, d, using only the length of its side, s?
Why do you have to use estimation to find the number of triangles you need
for the string?
Explain It
Use your design and analysis to write a website posting describing the process
readers can use to make a string of pennant flags using any length string and any
size square. Your posting should include the following:
step-by-step instructions
a formula that can be used to find the diagonal length of any paper square
and a formula that can be used to find the total number of triangles needed
diagrams that make the instructions and formulas easier to understand
an explanation of why this craft project must involve estimation and your
recommended level of precision that readers should use
You may also wish to include a photograph of your string of pennant flags in your
posting. Alternatively, you can include a drawing of your completed project.