convert the numeral to a numeral in base 10


2 answers

Do you mean to convert 435 to base 10?

In base 10, we have the right most digit to represent 0 to 9, the second (from right) to represent 10 (=10&sup2), the rhidr to represent 100 (=10³)and so on.

The same goes with base 5, the right-most digit stands for 0 to 4 (1 less than 5), and the second digit for 5, the third for 5²=25, etc.

So 435 = 4*5+3 = 2310.

Notice that students in North America should be able to do interconversion between bases 5 and 10 without difficulties, thanks to the money system.

Consider base 5 as:
1 (1 cent)
5 (1 5-cents, or nickel)
25 (1 25-cents, or quarter).

435 would be equivalent to 4 nickels and 3 cents, which make 23 cents.

Conversely, to convert from base 10 to base 5, we simply express the amount (up to $1.04) in cents, nickels and quarters. For example,
=79 cents
=3 quarters and 4 cents
represent 555 in base 5