(b ≡ c) mean ( b כ c) ^ (c כ b)
But if a,b,c are sets, then (b ≡ c) is either T or F. You cannot then say
a כ T
So, I guess a,b,c are all T/F values, and using subset notation does not seem correct.
Maybe I misunderstand your ≡ operator.
Convert the following formula to conjunctive normal form (clause form). a)
a ≡ (b ≡ c)
is the answer
(a כ(( b כ c) ^ (c כ b))) ^ ((( b כ c) ^ (c כ b)) כ a)
unsure thanks
4 answers
you did not misunderstand the ≡ operator
my problem has nothing to do with assigning truth values though I have to rewrite it in conductive normal form
ah. Then does b כ c mean implies? If so, then your initial expression appears correct.
Sorry, but I don't know the conductive normal form. Surely google can help with this.
Sorry, but I don't know the conductive normal form. Surely google can help with this.