I just used factors I remember.
23.8 inches is the problem. That's what we want to convert.
(25.4 mm/1 inch) converts inches to mm Hg, (1 atm/760 mm) converts mm to atm, and (101.325/1 atm) converts atm to kPa.
You looked up 29.92 inches Hg = 1 atm (and I didn't use that because I just don't remember that) however, you can use it as follows:
23.8 inches x (1 atm/29.92 inches) x 101.325 kPa/atm) = and you get the same answer with few steps. Your factor converts inches Hg to atm, then all you needed to do was multiply by the factor to convert atm to kPa.
Convert a pressure of 23.8 in. Hg into kilopascal.
Ok so I looked up kilopascal and it Said 1 Kpa = 1000 pa
So I began to set it up like this 23.8 / 29.2 x1000 am I correct
Chemistry - DrBob222, Thursday, October 13, 2011 at 1:48pm
I don't think that will get it. I would go this route.
23.8 inches x (25.4 mm Hg/1 inch Hg) x (1 atm/760mm) x (101.325 kPa/1 atm) = ??
There are MANY other steps that will work; I just use those conversion factors with which I'm familiar. I've memorized just a few conversions to help my tired brain.
Chemistry - Monique , Thursday, October 13, 2011 at 2:44pm
DrBob222 I used 29.2 in Hg because my book gave me 1 atm = 29.92 in. Hg. But why did you use 1atm/760mm
1 answer