convert .621 hl to liters

.013 dl to liters

.00078 mg to kg

2.45 g to cg

1.9 km to cm

.0476 mm to dam

6.4 ul to nl

need conversion and scientific notation before I can proceed from there to the lesson. This was part of an intro that I missed due to illness. Thanks.

so converting 0.621 hl to liters would be 62.1 L? what about scientific notation in that case?

You went up. You move the decimal point to the left. Did you move it to the left? Be sure and read Bob Pursley's answer, too. That is a different approach and you may like it better. Furthermore, the system works when you get out of converting units. That site also provides information on scientific notation.

has good info on scientific notation.

For conversion, I recommend unit conversion,