To convert \( \frac{6}{32} \) to a decimal using long division, follow these steps:
Set up the division: Divide 6 by 32. Since 6 is less than 32, we know the whole number part of the quotient is 0. So we'll proceed with decimal division.
Add decimal point and zeros: We write 6.000 as the dividend to perform long division.
Start the division:
- 32 goes into 60 (the first two digits of 6000) 1 time (because \( 32 \times 1 = 32 \)).
- Subtract \( 32 \) from \( 60 \): \( 60 - 32 = 28 \).
- Bring down the next 0 (making it 280).
Continue with the division:
- 32 goes into 280 8 times (because \( 32 \times 8 = 256 \)).
- Subtract \( 256 \) from \( 280 \): \( 280 - 256 = 24 \).
- Bring down the next 0 (making it 240).
Continue with the division:
- 32 goes into 240 7 times (because \( 32 \times 7 = 224 \)).
- Subtract \( 224 \) from \( 240 \): \( 240 - 224 = 16 \).
- Bring down the next 0 (making it 160).
Continue with the division:
- 32 goes into 160 5 times (because \( 32 \times 5 = 160 \)).
- Subtract \( 160 \) from \( 160 \): \( 160 - 160 = 0 \).
Now, we can combine the results from our long division:
- 1 from the first step,
- 8 from the second,
- 7 from the third,
- 5 from the last step.
Putting it all together, the decimal representation of \( \frac{6}{32} \) is \( 0.1875 \).
Therefore, the correct response is: