What comes to mind when you think of wealth? An enormous mansion? Piles gold, silver, and diamond jewelry? Millions of dollars? Well in America’s case, wealth is in the rise of the U.S. dollar.
-“After control of the oilfields the next most important reason for the US's takeover of Iraq was that Iraq had begun to accept payment in euros for its oil, opening the way for all major oil producers to do this. Were this to happen then the Euro would probably become the world's reserve currency, not the dollar. This would have a major negative impact on the US economy (would, in fact, cause the collapse of the US economy) and would also severely reduce its ability to pour money into its weapons programs.”-
According to this statement, if more oil producers begin accommodating euros for their oil the Euro to become the new leading currency. So we can infer that America’s economy will be at stake if America doesn’t gain control of Iraq’s oil supply soon. But “when” America does gains control of Iraq’s oil, America will be able to decline the Euro as a payment for oil. With this, the American dollar will remain the leading currency. Which means America will pay less for foreign products. And less money spent equals more money saved. Thus, the wealth of America increases.
In conclusion, the real reason behind this war was for America to gain more power and wealth. And to do so, America needed to gain control of Iraq’s oil supply. So for over 15 years America has planned, lied, and covered up this real reason for going to war. However, the truth has been told. But today I still believe some Americans are still fooled by the cover-up.