Continue your discussion in a small group . Write down some of the things people who were slaves might have done to show that they hated slavery

1 answer

1. Engage in acts of resistance, such as running away or orchestrating rebellions.
2. Pretend to be sick or disabled to avoid work.
3. Sabotage tools or equipment to disrupt the work process.
4. Spread rumors or incite unrest among other slaves.
5. Perform their work poorly or slowly to undermine productivity.
6. Refuse to eat or engage in other forms of protest.
7. Use religion or spiritual practices as a form of resistance.
8. Secretly teach other slaves to read or write, despite laws prohibiting them from being educated.
9. Collaborate with abolitionists or other groups working to end slavery.
10. Sing songs or create coded messages to communicate with other slaves and plan escape attempts.