Continue the story below.
John's mother spent the next few days researching and planning the reward system. Finally, she presented it to John and he seemed interested. The system involved earning points for good grades and completing homework on time. These points could then be used to redeem rewards like extra gaming time, a night out with friends, or a new game.
At first, John was skeptical, but as he started to earn points, he became more and more motivated. He began to put in more effort into his studies and even started asking his teachers for extra help. His grades started to improve and he felt proud of himself for his achievements.
John's mother was happy to see her son taking his education seriously. She felt that the reward system had worked wonders for him. She realized that it wasn't just enough to nag him about studying, but she needed to find a way to motivate him. John had found motivation through rewards, and it had made a big difference in his life.
In the end, John graduated with honors and went on to university, where he continued to excel in his studies. His mother knew that the reward system was just a small part of his success story, but it had certainly played a role in getting him started on the right track. She realized that sometimes, as a parent, all you needed to do was find the right motivator for your child, and success would follow.
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Years later, when John became a father himself, he implemented a similar reward system for his children. He knew firsthand how effective it could be, and he wanted his children to feel the same sense of pride and motivation he had felt.
John's mother smiled proudly as she watched her son pass on the lessons he had learned from her. She knew that the reward system had worked wonders for him, but she also knew that the love and support she had given him were just as important. And that had been the best reward of all.
Max was a hardcore gamer. He loved playing video games for hours on end, sometimes not sleeping for days. His parents were worried about his obsession with gaming and tried to talk to him about it, but Max would have none of it. He argued that video games were his passion and that he wanted to become a professional gamer one day.
One day, Max's parents had enough. They took away his gaming console and banned him from playing video games. Max was devastated. He didn't know how to spend his time anymore, and he felt lost without his beloved games.
After a few days of sulking, Max's friend Jenny suggested they start a gaming tournament. She knew Max was a great gamer and that he could use his skills to beat other players.
Max jumped at the idea and started organizing the tournament. He invited other gamers from the town, and soon, they had a full house. Players came from far and wide to participate in the event.
Max's parents were surprised to see the sheer number of people who were interested in gaming. They realized that video games were more than just a hobby; they were a passion for many people.
As the tournament went on, Max realized that he loved playing video games, but he also liked organizing events and bringing people together. He decided to start a gaming club and organize tournaments regularly. He found joy in sharing his passion with others and in creating a community of gamers who respected one another.
Max's parents were pleasantly surprised by the change they saw in their son. He was still obsessed with video games, but he had found a way to channel his passion positively. They realized that video games could also be a tool for building relationships, and they were proud of Max for finding his way.
Upper Ranks:
1. Kokushibo - Upper Moon One - Pineapples
2. Douma - Upper Moon Two - Human Livers
3. Akaza - Upper Moon Three - Tigers
4. Hantengu - Upper Moon Four - Pheasants
5. Gyokko - Upper Moon Five - Dragons
Lower Ranks:
6. Daki - Lower Moon Six - Little Girls
7. Enmu - Lower Moon One - Dreams
8. Gyuutaro - Lower Moon Five - Humans, typically women
9. Rui - Lower Moon Five - Spiders
10. Gyutaro - Lower Moon Five - Humans, typically women
11. Nakime - Lower Moon Six - Memories
12. Kaigaku - Lower Moon Six - Monkeys
It should be noted that although these are their favorite types of non-human food, some members of the Kizuki also consume human flesh.
1. Kokushibo - Upper Moon One
2. Douma - Upper Moon Two
3. Akaza - Upper Moon Three
4. Hantengu - Upper Moon Four
5. Gyokko - Upper Moon Five
6. Nakime - Upper Moon Six
1. Kokushibo - Upper Moon One - Pineapples
2. Douma - Upper Moon Two - Human Livers
3. Akaza - Upper Moon Three - Tigers
4. Hantengu - Upper Moon Four - Pheasants
5. Gyokko - Upper Moon Five - Dragons
6. Gyutaro and Daki - Upper Moon Six - Humans, typically young girls
As noted earlier, members of the Kizuki sometimes consume human flesh in addition to their favorite non-human foods.
1. Kokushibo - Upper Moon One - Unknown
2. Douma - Upper Moon Two - Human Livers
3. Akaza - Upper Moon Three - Unknown
4. Hantengu - Upper Moon Four - Unknown
5. Gyokko - Upper Moon Five - Unknown
6. Gyutaro and Daki - Upper Moon Six - Humans, typically young girls.
1. Kokushibo - Upper Moon One - Unknown
2. Douma - Upper Moon Two - Unspecified
3. Akaza - Upper Moon Three - Unspecified
4. Hantengu - Upper Moon Four - Soba noodles
5. Gyokko - Upper Moon Five - Unspecified
6. Gyutaro and Daki - Upper Moon Six - Steamed buns (gyuudon was once mentioned as well).
1. Kokushibo - Upper Moon One - Unknown
2. Douma - Upper Moon Two - Human Livers
3. Akaza - Upper Moon Three - Blood
4. Hantengu - Upper Moon Four - Soba Noodles
5. Gyokko - Upper Moon Five - Unspecified
6. Gyutaro and Daki - Upper Moon Six - Steamed Buns (specifically gyudon) and Humans in the case of Daki.