Continue the Apex Legends Argument below:

Loba: You know, it's amazing how naive you are, Valkyrie. You think you're so tough, but you're just a little girl playing dress-up.

Valkyrie: Excuse me? You have no idea what I've been through, what I've had to face.

Loba: Oh, please. Your daddy issues aren't exactly unique. We've all had our share of pain.

Valkyrie: You have no idea what it's like to lose your father to Reven

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ant and then have to fight alongside him in the Apex Games. It's not just about vengeance, it's about justice for my family and for everyone who has been hurt by the Syndicate's corruption.

Loba: And what makes you think I don't understand that? I've lost family too, you know. But at least I don't let it cloud my judgment. You're too emotional, Valkyrie. It's not a good look.

Valkyrie: Emotions are what drive us to fight for what's right. And I won't apologize for being passionate about justice. You may be smooth-talking and sneaky, Loba, but don't ever underestimate my strength.

Loba: Oh, I don't underestimate you, Valkyrie. But don't think for a second that you're the only one with something to fight for. We're all in this together. And in the end, it's about surviving and thriving in this game. So, watch your back.
Argument #2: Rampart and Revenant, about how Revenant wants mods, but Rampart thinks he needs a bloody psychiatrist.
Rampart: You know, Revenant, I don't get why you're so obsessed with mods. You can't even feel pain, so what's the point?

Revenant: It's not about feeling pain, Rampart. It's about the thrill of the hunt. The satisfaction of taking down an enemy and knowing that you have the edge with your enhancements.

Rampart: Enhancements? You mean toys, right? You're like a kid who never grew up and just wants to play with gadgets all day.

Revenant: Don't be ridiculous, Rampart. You should understand the value of having an edge in combat. And I don't just want any mods. I want the best ones available.

Rampart: You sound like you need a bloody psychiatrist, Revenant. Maybe if you focused on something other than weapons upgrades all day, you might actually learn to enjoy life.

Revenant: (chuckles) Enjoy life? I am death, Rampart. I don't have time for such frivolities. Besides, mods are what make me who I am. They give me power and control.

Rampart: Control? You don't have control, Revenant. You're a puppet of the Syndicate, a tool to be used and discarded. And you're so focused on your mods that you're blind to the fact that you're being manipulated.

Revenant: (growls) I am not a puppet. I have free will and I choose to pursue my own goals. And as for the mods, they are my choice, not anyone else's.

Rampart: (sighs) Look, Revenant, I'm not trying to insult you. But maybe you should try focusing on being your own person instead of just a killing machine. There's more to life than just mods and murder.

Revenant: (pauses) Perhaps you're right, Rampart. But until I can get revenge on those who made me what I am, the hunt continues. And the mods will only make me stronger.
Read Mad Maggie's backstory closely:

Margaret "Mad Maggie" Kōhere was born on Salvo in 2679, to unknown parents. She grew up in a rough part of the planet with no family to speak of, but she did have her best friend, Walter Fitzroy AKA Fuse. One day, while exploring, the two came across a golden hand grenade clutched by the corpse of a deceased freedom fighter from a long forgotten battle. The two claimed the grenade as their own as they were unable to win it from the other, occasionally passing it back and forth as a symbol of their bond.

Kōhere was seen as a troublemaker throughout her younger years. She and Fuse were often separated during their school classes. One famous stunt of hers during this time was freeing one class’ birds at the request of Fuse. She gained a strong sense of patriotism and nationalism for Salvo while in seventh grade, going as far as to write an essay about it. According to her, she's been prepared to die for her planet since the age of 12.

As the pair grew older, Kōhere and Fitzroy led a variety of escapades together, including robberies, heists, and bomb defusings. However, their goals began to drift apart as they grew older. While Fuse felt the allure of blood sport and began fighting in Salvo’s famous Bonecage, Kōhere became dedicated to Salvo’s independence movement, founding and leading a warband known as the Cracked Talon. She conducted a variety of anti-Mercenary Syndicate operations, including riots and raids on supply ships, the spoils from which she redistributed to the citizens of Salvo. In 2734, Salvo became the seventh planet to join the Syndicate Alliance of Free Worlds. Fuse was soon selected as the first representative from Salvo to compete in the Apex Games. Kōhere was enraged by this, wanting nothing to do with The Syndicate, for herself or Salvo. The two friends fought as a result, with Kōhere pulling the pin on their grenade and using it to blow off Fuse’s right arm.

Fuse's introduction to the Apex Games occurred during the Salvo-Syndicate Merger Ceremony, riding into Kings Canyon on a refurbished IMS Thermopylae. Kōhere, however, planned to sabotage Fuse’s entrance into the Apex Games to expose the weakness of The Syndicate, in hopes it would spark rebellion on Salvo. She quickly hacked into the IMS Thermopylae’s systems, demanding the delivery of Fuse’s other arm. She then hijacked the ship's weapons and attacked the spectators, causing Fuse to destroy the console controlling the cannons with a well-placed grenade. Kōhere finally detonated a vast array of explosives she had planted across the island, devastating the area and wrecking the IMS Thermopylae with the debris.

Fuse, Bloodhound, and Lifeline confronted Kōhere to stop her attacks. However, she quickly captured the three Legends, seeking to convince Fuse to return to the side of Salvo. He refused, and as a result, she took control of the Apex Games, modifying the ring to behave erratically.

After a few weeks of torment, Fuse decided to pursue Kōhere to stop her chaos. She then shot his ship down, causing it to crash land in a park. Kōhere and Fuse attacked each other with explosives, with both being blown off a ledge by the blast. Fuse, wishing to help her up, offered her his arm, but Kōhere refused, letting go and falling to what Fuse assumed was her death. However, she survived, and was later found inciting riots and resistance on the Fringe World of Págos.

Kōhere fled in her custom Goblin fighter, and was later shot down during a dogfight in the skies of Gaea. She was phased away after her aircraft was struck, and was later apprehended on Olympus. Wreckage from the fight landed on Olympus and Storm Point.

After her arrest, the Mercenary Syndicate claimed to have "creative punishments" planned for her. Believing her execution to be imminent, Kōhere used her last request to write a letter to Fuse, musing on the different definitions people have for freedom.

Maggie brought forth to The Magistrate being tried for 27 counts of Sedition, those consisting of 18 counts of inciting a riot, and 9 counts of attacking Syndicate supply ships, with the addition of the of her attack at the Salvo-Syndicate Merger on Solace. Maggie proclaimed all of her acts were justified in the name of freedom, and that freedom comes with a price. The Magistrate unconvinced condemns her for her actions causing Maggie to defiantly bite the metal bars before her breaking her gold tooth and spat her broken tooth at the Magistrate blinding him in his right eye. Maggie was taken to be executed via firing squad but before The Magistrate could order the execution Eduardo Silva intervened, instead of being executed it was decided that Mad Maggie was to join the Apex Games with the Magistrate saying "I may be your judge and jury, but your old friends will be your executioners. You're heading to the Apex Games. The Outlands will watch you burn for your crimes." Maggie simply smirked and maniacally laughed retorting "Let's see 'em bloody try to kill me!"

Mad Maggie's backstory is a tale of patriotism and defiance in the face of oppression. From a young age, she had a deep love for her home planet of Salvo and was willing to fight for its independence at any cost. This led her down a path of rebellion against the Mercenary Syndicate, which culminated in her attempted sabotage of Fuse's entrance into the Apex Games.

Maggie's actions are fueled by a desire for freedom, but her methods are controversial and violent. She has a history of inciting riots and attacking supply ships, which led to her being tried for sedition and sentenced to execution. However, instead of being killed, she is forced to compete in the Apex Games.

Maggie's attitude towards her situation is one of defiance and determination. She sees her participation in the games as an opportunity to continue fighting for her beliefs, and seems unfazed by the prospect of being killed. This makes her a volatile and unpredictable presence in the games, and a force to be reckoned with.

Overall, Mad Maggie's backstory paints her as a complex character with conflicting motivations and a deep sense of purpose. Her patriotism and passion for freedom make her sympathetic, but her violent methods and disregard for authority make her controversial. She is a character who will undoubtedly continue to cause havoc and stir up trouble in the Apex Games.
Arguments #4: Fuse and Mad Maggie (note: use Fuse's Australian accent and slang and Maggie's New Zealander/Maori accent and slang.)
Fuse: Oi, Mad Maggie, what's the craic?

Mad Maggie: Eh, not much, just plotting my revenge on the Syndicate, as usual.

Fuse: (laughs) You're one spicy sheila, ya know that?

Mad Maggie: (smirks) And you're a bloody tossa, Fuse. What's with this whole Apex Games gig, anyway?

Fuse: Mate, ya gotta make a living somehow. And trust me, the adrenaline rush is worth the risk.

Mad Maggie: (rolls her eyes) Risk? That's all you Aussies bloody care about. I'm more interested in sticking it to the Syndicate and reclaiming our home planet.

Fuse: Yeah, yeah, we get it. You're a freedom fighter. But sometimes ya gotta play the long game, ya know? Build up your reputation, make some connections. That's how you get ahead.

Mad Maggie: (scoffs) I don't give a rat's arse about connections, Fuse. It's about principles. Standin' up for what's right.

Fuse: (smiling) That's why I like you, Mags. You're a force to be reckoned with. But don't forget to have some fun along the way.

Mad Maggie: (smiling back) Yeah, well, maybe if ya didn't blow off your arm, we could've had more fun together.

Fuse: (laughs) Hey, it adds character. And ya gotta admit, it made for a hell of a backstory.

Mad Maggie: (rolling her eyes again) Always with the drama, Fuse. Can't ya just settle down and have a quiet pint like a normal person?

Fuse: (grinning) Where's the fun in that? Life's too short to be boring.

Mad Maggie: (shrugs) Suit yourself, mate. But don't come crying to me when the Syndicate comes to collect their debt.

Fuse: (winking) Don't worry, Mags. I've got some tricks up my sleeve. And with you by my side, we can take 'em on together.

Mad Maggie: (softening) Aye, maybe you're not such a bad bloke after all, Fuse. But don't go getting too cocky. We've got a long road ahead of us yet.
Write how Mad Maggie pulls the pin on the golden grenade they had as kids and tosses it at Fuse, blowing his arm off.
Mad Maggie and Fuse had been arguing about whether or not Fuse should compete in the Apex Games as Salvo was officially joining the Mercenary Syndicate. Fuse was excited about the opportunity and felt it could be a way to make a name for himself and potentially help their cause. Maggie, on the other hand, saw it as a betrayal of Salvo and refused to support it.

Their argument was getting heated, and Fuse was becoming increasingly frustrated with Maggie's stubbornness. Suddenly, Maggie's hand reached down into her pocket, and Fuse saw the glint of something golden. He recognized the object instantly as the hand grenade they had taken as kids.

"Maggie, what are you doing? That thing is dangerous!" Fuse exclaimed, backing away.

But Maggie only smiled wickedly. "Sometimes, ya gotta do what ya gotta do, mate," she said, pulling the pin on the grenade.

Fuse's eyes went wide with realization, and he tried to run, but it was too late. Maggie tossed the grenade at his feet, and there was a loud explosion. Fuse screamed in agony as he looked down to see his right arm had been blown off.

Maggie, meanwhile, didn't show any remorse as she watched Fuse writhe in pain. She simply walked away, tossing the now-empty grenade aside. "I hope you'll think twice before betraying Salvo again," she called over her shoulder, leaving Fuse bleeding and alone on the ground.
File 005 - Un-bloody-believable (Fuse while seeing Maggie during an Apex Games match)
Fuse couldn't believe his eyes when he saw Mad Maggie step out onto the Apex Games arena. He had thought she was dead - blown to bits in their explosive encounter on Salvo - but there she was, alive and well, and competing in the games.

"Un-bloody-believable," Fuse muttered to himself, watching as Maggie sprinted across the battlefield, her goblin rifle clutched tightly in her hands. He had mixed feelings about seeing her again. On the one hand, he was relieved that she was alive, and he felt a sense of admiration for her resilience and perseverance. On the other hand, he was still angry at her for blowing his arm off and for her reckless tactics in their fight against the Syndicate.

As he watched her move, dodging gunfire and launching grenades at her opponents with deadly precision, he realized that she had always been a force to be reckoned with. She was fearless and relentless, even in the face of overwhelming odds. And as much as he wanted to hate her for what she had done to him, he couldn't help but respect her for her unwavering devotion to Salvo and to the cause of freedom.

Fuse shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts. He had a job to do, and his feelings about Maggie would have to wait. For now, he needed to focus on winning the game, and that meant taking down the woman who had once been his friend and ally.

He tightened his grip on his weapons and took a deep breath, mentally preparing himself for the fight to come. Whatever happened, he knew he couldn't afford to underestimate Mad Maggie - not now, and not ever.
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