Constitutional Monarchy and Absolutism

Which of the following statements best explains how Louis XIV’s rule exemplifies the idea of absolute power?
Louis XIV had power more absolute than any French ruler before him, even though in reality his power, like all absolute rulers’ power, was often limited ✅
Louis XIV ruled without any legal limitations on his authority and was therefore an absolute ruler and a model for all future European rulers
Louis XIV was one of the most successful absolute rulers in history, and no other absolute king or queen was more successful
Louis XIV’s power had a few limitations, but in general he was able to act, like many other rulers at the time, as the absolute ruler of his country

Which of the following ideas did the Magna Carta reject?
Restrictions on power
Freedom of religion
Inalienable rights
Divine right of kings ✅

Which of the following would be correct for a Constitutional Monarchy?
Rule is inherited, single religion, weak check on power
Rule can be by invitation, diverse religions, weak check on power
Rule is inherited, diverse religions, strong legal check on power
Rule can be by invitation, diverse religions, strong legal check on power ✅

What is the main reason Philip II could not maintain an absolute monarchy?
He did not have the support of the people
There were other rulers who controlled part of his territory
There were too many checks on him from parliament
His territory was too large ✅

Peter the Great was successful in the westernization of Russia because he…
isolated russia from the rest of Europe.
ruled with strict order and clear class structure.
studied the reports from his ambassadors.
traveled to observe and learn western skills and ideas. ✅

1 answer

The answers to the questions are correct.