Consider who the narrator was in a novel you have read or studied, and pick a memorable passage.

In the writing space below, rewrite the passage from a different narrator's point of view!

Hint: Ask yourself what unique information a different narrator might be able to reveal, and how they may view or experience the event differently.

1 answer

Original Passage:

"He stood at the edge of the cliff, the wind whipping through his hair and the thundering waves crashing against the rocks below. The storm raged on around him, but he remained still, staring out into the tumultuous sea. It felt as though nature itself was reflecting the turmoil in his heart."

Rewritten Passage:

She watched him from a distance, a lone figure silhouetted against the dramatic backdrop of the stormy coastline. The wind tousled his hair and the waves crashed against the rocks below, but he seemed unbothered by the chaos surrounding him. As she observed him, she couldn't help but wonder what troubled him so deeply that he sought solace in such a tumultuous environment. Was he searching for answers? Seeking perspective? Or perhaps, in the midst of the raging storm, he found comfort and a reflection of the turmoil within his own heart. It was a moment that captured her attention, as if nature itself was conspiring to reveal some hidden truth.