consider the right triangle with sides 3,4,5. Notice that the lengths of the sides form an arithmetic sequence.

a. determine three other right triangles wtih side lengths in arithmetic sequence.

b.let the sides of a right triangle be a, a+d,a+2d units long. Use the pythagorean theorem to determine a relationship between a and d.

c. based on the results in part b, mae a general statement about all right triangles whose sides form an airthmetic sequence.

so lost, someone please help

(a) HINT: there are infinite trianles similar to 3, 4, 5

(b) a = a
b = a + d
c = a + 2d
substitute these values into the pythagoren theorem and see if you can find any relationships


a, like 7,8,9 10,11,12 13,14,15

b, a^4+2ad+d^2=2d^4

c, what is intuitive?

thank you so much for explaining.,...trying to see if im on the right track

wait...a^a=2ad....but i still don't understand what that in turn means about c