Consider the propositions p: "You like hockey.", q: "You like the cold.", r: "You play hockey.", and s: "You watch hockey."

Write the following propositions using p,q,r and s and logical connectives.
(a) You watch hockey but you do not play hockey.
(b) If you do not like hockey then you do not watch it.
(c) If you like hockey and the cold then you play hockey.
(d) You like hockey but you do not like the cold therefore you watch hockey but you do not play hockey.

Here's what I have:
(a) s Λ ¬r
(b) ¬p → ¬s
(c) (p Λ q) → r
(d) (p Λ ¬q) → (p Λ ¬r)


2 answers

Just want to make sure what I'm doing is right. Thanks!
looks ok to me.