Consider the following two monetary incentives when purchasing a desktop computer at the regular price of 2.99. 25% off all desktops with purchase of 200 or more 70% rebate on any purchase of 200 or more. Find the price of the better incentive, after the discount has been applied.

1 answer

In the first incentive, the discount is 25% off the regular price of 2.99, so the discount is (25/100) * 2.99 = $0.7475.
Therefore, the price of the desktop computer after the discount is 2.99 - 0.7475 = $2.2425.

In the second incentive, the rebate is 70% off the regular price of 2.99, so the rebate is (70/100) * 2.99 = $2.093.
Therefore, the price of the desktop computer after the rebate is 2.99 - 2.093 = $0.897.

Comparing the two prices, we can see that the better incentive is the second one, with a price of $0.897 after the discount has been applied.