Consider the following two monetary incentives when purchasing a desktop computer at the regular price of 2.99. 25% off all desktops with purchase of 200 or more 70% rebate on any purchase of 200 or more

1 answer

When purchasing a desktop computer at the regular price of $2.99, there are two monetary incentives available:

1) 25% off all desktops with a purchase of $200 or more: This incentive applies if the total purchase amount of desktops is $200 or more. In this case, the customer would receive a 25% discount on the total price of the desktops.

For example, if the customer purchases desktops worth $300, they would be eligible for the discount. The discount amount would be 25% of $300, which is $75. Therefore, the customer would pay $300 - $75 = $225.

2) 70% rebate on any purchase of $200 or more: This incentive applies if the total purchase amount is $200 or more. In this case, the customer would receive a rebate of 70% on the total price.

For example, if the customer purchases desktops worth $300, they would be eligible for the rebate. The rebate amount would be 70% of $300, which is $210. Therefore, the customer would receive a rebate of $210, effectively paying $300 - $210 = $90.

It's important to note that these incentives only apply to the desktop computer purchase and not any additional items or accessories that may be purchased alongside the desktop.