Consider the following short statements, then answer the questions that follow: Your team of software developers have decided that it is time to develop an application for the campus canteen that will allow a student to place an order and schedule delivery of that order to a specified venue on campus. The application will also accept payments via credit card. .

Create a domain model class diagram to show the relationship between a class called 'Student', 'Order' and 'Orderitem'. Indicate at least three attributes for each class. Also indicate relationships between the classes.

1 answer

Based on the given information, the domain model class diagram can be represented as follows:

| - studentId: int |
| - name: String |
| - email: String |
| + makeOrder(): void |
| + makePayment(): boolean |
| |
v v
-------------- ----------------
| Order | | OrderItem |
-------------- ----------------
| - orderId: int | - itemId: int |
| - orderDate: Date | - quantity: int |
| - deliveryVenue: String | - price: double |
| + addOrderItem(item: OrderItem): void |
| + removeOrderItem(item: OrderItem): void |

- The 'Student' class has three attributes: studentId represents the unique identification of the student, name represents the student's name, and email represents the student's email address.
- The 'Order' class has three attributes: orderId represents the unique identification of the order, orderDate represents the date when the order was placed, and deliveryVenue represents the specified venue on campus for delivery.
- The 'OrderItem' class has three attributes: itemId represents the unique identification of the order item, quantity represents the quantity of the item ordered, and price represents the price of the item.
- The relationship between 'Student' and 'Order' is represented by the method makeOrder() in the 'Student' class, indicating that a student can make an order.
- The relationship between 'Student' and 'Order' is represented by the method makePayment() in the 'Student' class, indicating that a student can make a payment for the order.
- The relationship between 'Order' and 'OrderItem' is represented by the methods addOrderItem() and removeOrderItem() in the 'Order' class, indicating that an order can have multiple order items and order items can be added or removed.