Consider the following sample data from a data file about movies that have been added to the national film registry. The data includes the title of the movie, the year it was released, and the year it was added to the registry. movieTitle,yearReleased,yearAdded Chicana,1979,2021 Cooley High,1975,2021 Evergreen,1965,2021 Flowers and Trees,1932,2021 The Flying Ace,1926,2021 Cabin in the Sky,1943,2020 A Clockwork Orange,1971,2020 The Dark Knight,2008,2020 The Devil Never Sleeps,1994,2020 Freedom Riders,2010,2020 Grease,1978,2020 Download movies.txt to your computer. Movies Dataset Open an instance of Trinket in your browser. Trinket Import movies.txt using the upload button found on the far right, top corner of the trinket editor screen. It will open a dialogue window for you to navigate to the data.txt location on your computer (most likely the downloads folder). Note that only text files with the extension *.txt can be uploaded to trinket as data files. After the file appears in the editor window in the data.txt tab, click on the tab and copy in the following code. Run the program. The code below will produce a bar chart #importing required libraries import pandas from seaborn import catplot from matplotlib import pyplot data = pandas.read_csv('movies.txt') catplot(x = 'yearReleased',col = "yearAdded", data = data, hue = 'yearAdded', kind = "count") How would removing the hue parameter from the catplot function alter the visualization and possibly influence the interpretation? (2 points)

1 answer

If the hue parameter is removed from the catplot function, the visualization will no longer show the color-coded distinction of movies based on the year they were added to the registry. The bars in the bar chart will only represent the count of movies based on the year they were released. This change in visualization will impact the interpretation by not providing the additional information about the year of addition to the registry for each movie. The viewer will only be able to analyze the count of movies released in different years, without understanding the distribution of the years of addition to the registry.