Consider the following multiple regression results. Using a= .05 as the significance level, identify all statistically significant predictors. In a relative sense, which variable has the strongest impact? What is the interpretation of the “constant” term?
Independent Variables Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t Sig.
B Std. Error Beta
(Constant) .991 .106 9.362 .000
Variable 1 .045 .101 .015 .445 .657
Variable 2 -.051 .084 -.020 -.607 .544
Variable 3 .299 .107 .062 2.786 .005
Variable 4 -.341 .329 -.023 -1.039 .299
Variable 5 .000 .000 -.011 -.284 .776
Variable 6 .000 .000 .009 .251 .802
Variable 7 .000 .000 -.011 -.264 .792
Variable 8 .000 .000 -.001 -.022 .983
Variable 9 -.003 .005 -.015 -.704 .482
Variable 10 .031 .036 .019 .870 .384
Variable 11 -.023 .041 -.013 -.558 .577
Variable 12 -.001 .011 -.003 -.117 .907
Variable 13 .000 .000 .050 2.310 .021
Variable 14 .003 .000 .145 6.631 .000
Variable 15 .000 .000 -.008 -.380 .704
Variable 16 .053 .016 .075 3.403 .001
Variable 17 .006 .014 .430 .458 .647
Variable 18 -.006 .013 -.425 -.450 .653
Variable 19 -.136 .156 -.019 -.869 .385
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