In my opinion, Impressionism is a beautiful and ethereal musical style. The sample I listened to had a slow and fluid rhythm that made me feel as if I was floating. The use of whole tone and pentatonic scales created a dreamlike and ambiguous tonality, which I found captivating. The tempo was consistently calm and relaxed, while the dynamics were mostly soft and delicate, giving the music a tranquil and peaceful quality.
On the other hand, 12-tone music is fascinating in its complexity and mathematical approach. The sample I listened to had a fast and unpredictable rhythm, which kept me on my toes throughout. The absence of traditional scales and tonality made the music sound dissonant and avant-garde. The tempo varied, ranging from frenetic to more controlled sections, while the dynamics were often sharp and abrupt, adding to the sense of tension and unease.
Lastly, jazz is a genre that never fails to impress me with its improvisation and creativity. The sample I listened to had a lively and syncopated rhythm that had me tapping my foot along. The use of blues and major scales gave the music a distinct swing and groove. The tempo was upbeat and energetic, while the dynamics varied from soft and smooth to loud and brassy, adding a sense of dynamism and excitement.
Out of these three styles, my favorite would have to be jazz. I find it incredibly enjoyable and infectious. The combination of its upbeat rhythm, swing feel, and improvisation never ceases to make me want to dance. Additionally, the use of different scales and the interplay between instruments create a rich and vibrant sound that I find irresistible.
Consider the following examples of Modern musical styles presented in this unit: Impressionism, 12-tone music, and jazz. Listen to each of the samples again. Then, write a discussion post that contains at least three sentences. State your opinion about each of the musical styles and note the features that stand out. Include details about musical elements like rhythm, type of scale, tempo, and dynamics. Share which musical style you like best.
3 answers
Make it a little bit shorter
In my opinion, Impressionism is beautiful and ethereal. The slow and fluid rhythm, along with the whole tone and pentatonic scales, creates a dreamlike atmosphere. The calm tempo and soft dynamics add a tranquil quality.
On the other hand, 12-tone music is fascinating in its complexity. The unpredictable rhythm and absence of traditional scales make it avant-garde and dissonant. The varying tempo and sharp dynamics contribute to the sense of tension.
Lastly, jazz captivates me with its improvisation and creativity. The lively and syncopated rhythm, along with blues and major scales, creates an infectious groove. The upbeat tempo and dynamic changes add excitement.
Out of these styles, my favorite would have to be jazz. Its combination of rhythm, swing, and improvisation always makes me want to dance. The use of different scales and instrument interplay creates a vibrant sound that I find irresistible.
On the other hand, 12-tone music is fascinating in its complexity. The unpredictable rhythm and absence of traditional scales make it avant-garde and dissonant. The varying tempo and sharp dynamics contribute to the sense of tension.
Lastly, jazz captivates me with its improvisation and creativity. The lively and syncopated rhythm, along with blues and major scales, creates an infectious groove. The upbeat tempo and dynamic changes add excitement.
Out of these styles, my favorite would have to be jazz. Its combination of rhythm, swing, and improvisation always makes me want to dance. The use of different scales and instrument interplay creates a vibrant sound that I find irresistible.