Consider the following circuit. We have R_1=7 Ohms, R_2=17 Ohms, R_3=11 Ohms, V=9 Volts, L=0.09 H.

At t=0 the switch is closed.
(a)Immediately after the switch is closed, what are currents I_1, I_2, I_3 ? I_1

(b)What are the three currents after the switch has been closed for a long time?

(c)The switch is now opened again.
(c) What are the three currents after the switch is reopened?

3 answers

See Related Question: Tue,4-9-13,3:30pm.
I am not getting the answer by solving it. Can u please show the solution again?
Since you did not tell how the 3 resistors and inductor are connected, I
assumed your circuit to be the same
configuration as a selected Related problem. If the assumption is not correct, you cannot get your book's answer. So please explain how your circuit is connected.