Consider the following circuit. We have R_1=7 Ohms, R_2=17 Ohms, R_3=11 Ohms, V=9 Volts, L=0.09 H.
At t=0 the switch is closed.
(a)Immediately after the switch is closed, what are currents I_1, I_2, I_3 ? I_1
(b)What are the three currents after the switch has been closed for a long time?
(c)The switch is now opened again.
(c) What are the three currents after the switch is reopened?
3 answers
See Related Question: Tue,4-9-13,3:30pm.
I am not getting the answer by solving it. Can u please show the solution again?
Since you did not tell how the 3 resistors and inductor are connected, I
assumed your circuit to be the same
configuration as a selected Related problem. If the assumption is not correct, you cannot get your book's answer. So please explain how your circuit is connected.
assumed your circuit to be the same
configuration as a selected Related problem. If the assumption is not correct, you cannot get your book's answer. So please explain how your circuit is connected.