Consider the divisibility relation on the set S = {-5,-3,-2,2,3,5}
To be more precise, this is the relation:
R = {(x, y) ∈ S^2| x divides y}.
Is the relation Reflexive? Symmetric? Anti-symmetric? Transitive?
The relation is reflexive because all inputs of x is related to itself.
The relation is not symmetric because x/y =/= y/x
Would it be anti-symmetric?
For transitive, I understand that if xRy, yRz, then xRz, but what would the z values be?
Also, what are the x and y values for this? Or is it for any values of x and y? I don't get where the x and y inputs come from. Would the x and y values be one of the values from {-5,-3,-2,2,3,5}?