consider racial imbalances in education, the economy, family life, housing, criminal justices, health care, and politics. Of these societal challenges facing modern African American, which do you think are most difficult to overcome, and why?

"Racial Imbalances" may be the effect of some other root cause. Personally, I think it centers on the culture ideal of who is in charge of one's life.
Sometimes we have to take charge of our own malaise and get well. I don't think malaise is imposed on us so much as we accept it as a condition, and look to others for the solution, and they are not interested.
I think the solution lies in putting ones hands on ones own rear and pulling upwards. Others will not do it.
That is the most difficult to overcome, as it requires one's self to take responsibility and change. Looking to others for assistance is easy, but it is self defeating.

Just a small addition to clarify my point: It may be that racial imbalances exist, and may in fact be perpuated by the larger community. However, my point is that looking to that community to solve it will never work: They have no interest in it.
Any solutions that come will come from within the imbalanced community itself. Pulling ones own rear up, literally.