Consider free protons following a circular path in a uniform magnetic field with a radius of 1 meter. At t = 0, the magnitude of the uniform magnetic field begins to increase at 0.001 Tesla/second. Enter the tangential acceleration of the protons in meters/second^2: positive if they speed up and negative if they slow down.

1 answer

The magnetic field itself will produce no tangential acceleration. But then, consider Maxwell's equation, or more precisely, the resulting electric field created by the changing magnetic field, which will move the proton in the tangential direction.
By using Faraday's law E= - r/2 x dB/dt so a=E x q/m= -r/2 x dB/dt x q/m so a=- 5.22*10^4m/s^2

ou should use Faraday's law of induction to find the electric field E at distance r from the center and from that the tangential acceleration due to F=Eq=m*atan
but E= - r/2 x dB/dt
so a=E x q/m=
a= -r/2 *dB/dt*q/m so

Honestly, this does not seem right, so check it.