B. plant more native trees to help absorb carbon dioxide through photosynthesis.
This strategy is the most environmentally friendly and sustainable option as it helps to offset the carbon emissions from the coal-fired power plant by increasing the carbon sequestration capacity of the ecosystem. Native trees are well adapted to the local climate and soil conditions, making them more likely to thrive and effectively absorb carbon dioxide through photosynthesis. Additionally, planting more trees can also enhance biodiversity and improve the overall health of the ecosystem.
Consider a scenario where a coal-fired power plant has been constructed near an ecosystem consisting of a temperate forest and a lake. Based on your knowledge of the carbon cycle, select the best strategy to help offset the extra carbon emissions from burning coal.
A. add nutrients to the lake to encourage phytoplankton blooms that absorb carbon dioxide through photosynthesis
B. plant more native trees to help absorb carbon dioxide through photosynthesis.
C. relocate large animals so they do not contribute to local emissions via cellular respiration or decomposition
D. introduce an exotic tree species with a high rate of productivity that absorbs carbon dioxide more quickly through photosynthesis
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