You would have to count the letters which meet that criterion
based on how they were drawn.
If we base it on the font that is used have
A E F H I K L M N T V W X Y Z and
not B C D G J O P Q R S U
that's 15 you would add 15 plus 10 to get the answer of 15 out 36
Consider a bowl containing 36 different slips of paper. Ten of the slips of
paper each contain one of the digits from the set 0 through 9 and 26 slips
each contain one of the 26 capital letters of the alphabet. If one slip is drawn
at random, what is P(slip contains a letter formed from straight�]line
segments only)?
A) 11/36 B) 15/26 C) 25/36 D) 15/36
1 answer