conscientious objectors definition (short)

Espionage Act definition (short)
fair comment definition (short)
Freedom of Information Act definition (short)
polygamy definition (short)
Sedition Act definition (short)
Smith Act definition (short)
speech-plus definition (short)
symbolic speech definition (short)

1 answer

Conscientious objectors definition (short): Individuals who refuse to participate in military service or bear arms due to their moral or religious beliefs.

Espionage Act definition (short): A federal law enacted in 1917 that aims to prevent interference with military operations or support of U.S. enemies during times of war.

Fair comment definition (short): A legal defense that protects individuals who express honest opinions or criticisms about public figures or matters of public interest.

Freedom of Information Act definition (short): A federal law enacted in 1966 that grants the public the right to access information held by government agencies, with some exceptions for national security and personal privacy.

Polygamy definition (short): The practice of having more than one spouse at the same time, typically understood as multiple wives or husbands.

Sedition Act definition (short): An act passed by the U.S. Congress in 1918 that criminalized any speech or expression deemed disloyal, abusive, or supportive of the country's enemies during wartime.

Smith Act definition (short): A federal law enacted in 1940 that criminalized advocating or affiliating with any group that advocated the violent overthrow of the U.S. government.

Speech-plus definition (short): A concept that includes both oral or written speech and expressive conduct or actions, which are both protected under the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

Symbolic speech definition (short): Nonverbal or symbolic actions that convey a message or express an opinion, such as gestures, protests, or the wearing of specific clothing, which are protected as a form of free speech.