1. Energetic
2. Sentimental
4. Strong-willed
6. Stylish
8. Bold
Connotations and Denotations: The words in each pair have the same denotations, but different connotations.
● Denotation: A word's denotation is its literal definition.
For example:
Snake: a limbless reptile with a long, scaly body
● Connotation A word's connotation is all the association we have with it.
For example:
A malevolent (evil, bad) person might be called "a real snake"
Choose the word in each pair with positive connotations.
1. Hyperactive / energetic 2. Sentimental / mushy
3. Timid / cowardly 4. Stubborn / strong-willed
5. Scrawny / thin 6. Stylish / faddish
7. Frugal / cheap 8. Brash / bold
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