Congruency means that two figures or items are exactly the same size and shape. Where in life would it be vitally important for two or more items to be congruent?

My first thought would be wheels on a car... does anyone else have any better ideas?

Thanks!!! :)

13 answers

I just thought of another one: the legs of a table...
Does anyone still have any more ideas??
Bridge parts

Thrust in multi engine rockets

Airplane wings, landing gear...

The outriggers (Hydraulic jacks on arms) on mobile cranes..

The footings of buildings
While it feels really weird, you can drive a 2 wheel drive car on different sized wheels. Different sized wheels on a 4 wheel drive car will break the drive system.
Different sized wheels on a skateboard would make it imposable to ride.
The wings on windmills
Thanks so much Ken!! Those were great ideas. I really appreciate it! :)
thanks ken!
LOL this is for Pre-Algebra B for Connections Academy XD
Thanks Ken
what you mean "Aleekos"??????
HEHEHEHEHHEHEH little dose (What?) know...........