Are these your choices?
orders to stop what it is doing.
a halt of funding for programs.
a legislative veto.
its authority to a different branch.
What is your answer?
Congrss controls the Executive branch by issuing what?
9 answers
A legislative veto? Unsure
Nope. Only the President has veto power.
What does your text say?
What does your text say?
As I contiuned to read my text, I am still not 100% on my answer, but it talks a lot about programs and money. So, last reponse- would it be a halt of funding for programs?
Yes! You're right. :-) Congress controls the money -- so can control the Executive Branch by not giving it the money it wants.
Thank you very much.
You are very welcome.
It was legislative veto.
Good heavens! How old are your text materials?
The Supreme Court declared the legislative veto unconstitutional in 1983.
The Supreme Court declared the legislative veto unconstitutional in 1983.