Confederation: For and against..
In a chart, list Joseph Hows's points against Confederation in one column, and Macdonald's points in favour of Confederation in another.
This is what Joseph Howe said:
Let us see what the Canadians desiere to do. They are not, as have shown, a very harmonious or homogeneous community. Two-fifths of the population are french and three fifths are english. They are therefore perplexed with an internal antagonism which... must ever be a source of weakness. They are shut in by frost from the outer world for five months of the year. They are at the mercy of a powerful neighbour whose population already outnumbers them by more than eight to one...on the opposite side of a natural defenceless frontier. Surely such conditions as these ought to repress inordinate ambition or lust of territory on part of the public men of Canada. It is evident that a more uncompromising nucleaus of a new nation can hardly be found on the face of the Earth, and that any organized communites, having a reasonable chance to do anything better, would be politically insane to give up their distinct formations and subject themselves to the domination of Canada.
When franchises were conferred upon the people of the Maritime provinces, and legislatures given to them, they could only be yielded up by voluntary consent or be forfeited by misconduct. When self-government was conceded, it could never afterwards be withdrawn.
These are the points I got for him, it was kind of hard to understand what exactly he was saying, but I kind of made out some words, so heres what I got:
* Strong, independent, and mature on their own
*French and english can never become one nation, as they are separate and can not get along
*No point in joining, nothing says we have to join, no law
*If Confederation takes place, we will not be able to maintain ties with Britain
I'll post Macdonalds point of view after I go and eat. brb:)
5 answers
perplexed with an internal antagonism which... must ever be a source of weakness.
They are shut in by frost from the outer world for five months of the year.
They are at the mercy of a powerful neighbour whose population already outnumbers them by more than eight to one...on the opposite side of a natural defenceless frontier.
When self-government was conceded, it could never afterwards be withdrawn.
It's so cold, that Canadians don't have much contact with the outer world during the winter.
The U.S. greatly outnumbers Canadians. The border between the two countries cannot be defended.
Once you vote for Confederation, it's done! You can't reverse this decision.