Conducting routine quality checks and analysis of samples collected from the mixing tank and point of tailing discharge is crucial to maintain ecological safety and prevent contamination. For example, the data for the study was directly taken from routine quality monitoring checks at the Basamuk Refinery, where samples were analyzed for metal concentrations, acidity/pH, and flow velocity. Furthermore, maintaining the discharge flow velocity of the tailing effluent within the recommended range of 800-2500 m/h is important to prevent plume dispersion and minimize environmental impact. Daily average discharge velocities at the Ramu Nickel-Cobalt project were found to be within the recommended range, indicating effective control measures are in place to protect the marine ecosystem.

For instance, ensuring that the pH levels of the tailing effluent are neutralized to alkaline levels before discharge is another key factor in maintaining ecological safety and preventing acidification of the marine environment. The study shows that the pH values of the tailing effluent from the Basamuk Refinery are within the recommended range, indicating proper neutralization of the waste. This approach helps in preventing immediate risks to the local marine ecosystem and ensures compliance with environmental regulations.

paraphrase it in twenty simple english word. but let the example must state clearly

1 answer

Regular checks of samples from the mixing tank are essential to protect the environment from contamination. At Basamuk Refinery, data from routine quality monitoring showed that metal concentrations, acidity/pH, and flow velocity were analyzed. Keeping the discharge flow velocity within the 800-2500 m/h range prevents plume dispersion. Daily discharge velocities at the Ramu Nickel-Cobalt project were within range, indicating effective control measures. Neutralizing pH levels before discharge prevents acidification of the marine environment. pH values of the tailing effluent from the Basamuk Refinery were within the recommended range.