Conduct an ANOVA comparing participants

recall will vary as a function of stress levels. Conduct an ANOVA comparing participants recall at Time 1 across all
three stress level conditions (low, medium, and high). Coduct post hoc tests if needed, using the Tukey method.Write a
short APA- formatted interpretation of the

1 answer

Looks like you might be doing a one-way ANOVA test for the data you choose for this project.

Your ANOVA summary table should have the following setup:


If you calculate by hand, here are a few hints:

SS total = SS between + SS within

To calculate df between:
k - 1
Note: k = number of levels or groups.

To calculate df within:
N - k
Note: N = total number of values in all levels or groups.

df total = df between + df within

To calculate MS between:
SS between/df between

To calculate MS within:
SS within/df within

To calculate F-ratio:
MS between/MS within

After filling in the table and finding the F-ratio, find the critical or cutoff value to reject the null using an F-table. Compare to the F-ratio to determine whether or not to reject the null. If the null is rejected, there is a difference. If the null is not rejected, there is no difference.

Use the Tukey procedure to compare all possible pairs of means to determine which differs.

I hope this brief summary will get you started.