For my career/personality test, I conducted a safe search and found two sites that offer free tests: and
I first took the test on The test consisted of answering a series of questions that assessed my preferences, strengths, and weaknesses. After completing the test, I was identified as an INTJ-T, which stands for Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, Judging, and Turbulent. The results provided a detailed analysis of my personality traits and how they relate to various aspects of life, including relationships, career choices, and personal development. It also outlined my strengths and weaknesses, as well as potential career paths that align with my personality type. I found the results to be quite accurate and insightful. They confirmed some aspects of my personality that I was already aware of, such as my preference for solitude and logical thinking. However, they also shed light on some lesser-known traits of mine, such as my tendency to overthink and my dislike for small talk. The career suggestions provided were also helpful and aligned with my interests, such as fields related to strategic planning and problem-solving.
Next, I took the test on This test focused more on aptitude and skills assessment. It presented a series of statements, and I had to rate how well they described me. Based on my responses, the results indicated potential career areas where I may excel. The test categorized my skills into different clusters, such as creative, practical, and analytical. It also provided a list of specific jobs and industries that align with those skills. The results were insightful, as they highlighted some strengths and areas where I could excel. However, I felt that this test focused more on skills rather than personality, which made it less comprehensive in terms of providing career suggestions.
Overall, both tests provided valuable insights into my personality and aptitudes. They confirmed some aspects of myself that I already knew, but also revealed new information and career paths that align with my interests and abilities. The results of these tests have given me a better understanding of myself and have provided guidance for my future career choices.
Conduct a safe search for a free career test or a free aptitude test. Select two sites and take the career/personality test.
What do you think of the results? Have you learned anything new about yourself regarding your career interests and abilities? Respond to the test by writing a 200-word essay. This is a portfolio Item. When you are finished, please submit your answers to your teacher using the Drop Box below.
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