Darn! My ESP connection is down tonight. I have no idea about your self-concept, self-esteem or self-image has affected YOUR interpersonal communication.
I have a pretty strong self-concept and so have found myself in several leadership positions.
What about you?
concepts concerning the “self.” How do all these concepts relate to interpersonal communication? Also, give an example of how your “self-concept,” “self-image,” or “self-esteem” has affected your interpersonal communication.
5 answers
A person with low self-esteem tends to be a "yes" person and to go along with stronger people. They are usually not assertive and put up with the wishes of others, even when not in their own best interests to do so.
All concepts concerning the “self” are important factors when relating them to interpersonal communication. Self-concept, self-image, and self-esteem have the ability to affect the way a person communicates with another individual. There are certain tendencies, traits, demeanors, and views that people develop naturally in life. The concepts that a person may have of themselves is gained by their involvement with other people. Individuals develop their own perception of themselves by what they hear, see, associate, feel, learn, and experience from others. The vision a person has of themselves can contribute to how people see others as well. People are raised differently and learn in different ways throughout their life. Depending on certain scenarios, there are times when a person may judge another individual because they do not have the same vision. It can also cause conflict in communication because of the differences in a situation or an idea. Another way these concepts relate to interpersonal communication is by how a person visions themselves. If someone is insecure, depressed, lonely, or simply do not feel confident about themselves, they could demonstrate the lack of self-esteem to other people. For example, if I feel insecure and bad about myself, I may assume my husband may want something ‘better’ than what I saw myself to be. It could cause bad communication with him because he may look at me as the most amazing woman in the world. If I do not see myself in the same way that he may view me, it could cause conflict between us. Another scenario would be if I was an arrogant type of individual. If I believed I was better than everyone else and always right, it could also cause conflict in interpersonal communication. People would not want to communicate with someone who is negative, overbearing, and could make them feel bad about themselves in return.
Self-concept, self-image, and self-esteem can also have a positive effect on interpersonal communication. If a person feels good about whom they are, they may display positive energy to others around them. People have different life experiences that contribute to self growth. By the experiences one may encounter, they may be able to help another person by providing feedback, support, and encouragement to their interpersonal relationships. Stronger relationships can be built when the interpretation someone has of them is positive. The positive energy and healthy self confidence can help create better conversation, understanding, patience, and gain perspective. People are drawn to other people that are uplifting and positive. All self concepts affect how a person may communicate and act in interpersonal relationships. It depends how information has been retained, values learned, personal experience, and other factors that contribute to a person’s self perception. Self perception has the ability to be a positive or negative contributor when applied to interpersonal communication.
Give an example of how your “self-concept,” “self-image,” or “self-esteem” has affected your interpersonal communication.
I have a complicated perception of my self-concept, self-image, and self-esteem. There are times I am able to communicate comfortably with others, but there are other times I may demonstrate discomfort or awkwardness. The way I view myself and how I communicate with others is based on those feelings. They will vary depending on who I am communicating with, and what is being communicated. If I know the topic of discussion, I remain confident in communicating. I feel sure, good, and less timid. When I have a conversation that I do not know a topic well, I tend to “shrink” and may also get defensive. I can be hard on myself when analyzing who I am and what I contribute to others when communicating. At work, I typically have a great outlook on myself and communicate well with my coworkers. If I need guidance, I reach out to others. I am able to work as a team, and contribute ideas. I feel great about how I see myself when it is pertaining to work. However, if coworkers begin to talk to me about things not related to work, I get giggly. I laugh, smile, and can act childish because I am uncomfortable. I feel I get nervous, but I know I am an outgoing person and love to talk. I believe I react that way because at times I have low self-esteem. I was made fun of and mocked with some things as a child, and now it is a contributing factor to why I do get uncomfortable when a topic may be about me, and not a specific task at hand.
Self-concept, self-image, and self-esteem can also have a positive effect on interpersonal communication. If a person feels good about whom they are, they may display positive energy to others around them. People have different life experiences that contribute to self growth. By the experiences one may encounter, they may be able to help another person by providing feedback, support, and encouragement to their interpersonal relationships. Stronger relationships can be built when the interpretation someone has of them is positive. The positive energy and healthy self confidence can help create better conversation, understanding, patience, and gain perspective. People are drawn to other people that are uplifting and positive. All self concepts affect how a person may communicate and act in interpersonal relationships. It depends how information has been retained, values learned, personal experience, and other factors that contribute to a person’s self perception. Self perception has the ability to be a positive or negative contributor when applied to interpersonal communication.
Give an example of how your “self-concept,” “self-image,” or “self-esteem” has affected your interpersonal communication.
I have a complicated perception of my self-concept, self-image, and self-esteem. There are times I am able to communicate comfortably with others, but there are other times I may demonstrate discomfort or awkwardness. The way I view myself and how I communicate with others is based on those feelings. They will vary depending on who I am communicating with, and what is being communicated. If I know the topic of discussion, I remain confident in communicating. I feel sure, good, and less timid. When I have a conversation that I do not know a topic well, I tend to “shrink” and may also get defensive. I can be hard on myself when analyzing who I am and what I contribute to others when communicating. At work, I typically have a great outlook on myself and communicate well with my coworkers. If I need guidance, I reach out to others. I am able to work as a team, and contribute ideas. I feel great about how I see myself when it is pertaining to work. However, if coworkers begin to talk to me about things not related to work, I get giggly. I laugh, smile, and can act childish because I am uncomfortable. I feel I get nervous, but I know I am an outgoing person and love to talk. I believe I react that way because at times I have low self-esteem. I was made fun of and mocked with some things as a child, and now it is a contributing factor to why I do get uncomfortable when a topic may be about me, and not a specific task at hand.
self concept can be changed through interpereosnal communiciation