To find the greatest common divisor (gcd) of 702,936 and 841,131, we can use the Euclidean algorithm.
841,131 = 702,936 * 1 + 138,195
702,936 = 138,195 * 5 + 82,311
138,195 = 82,311 * 1 + 55,884
82,311 = 55,884 * 1 + 26,427
55,884 = 26,427 * 2 + 3,030
26,427 = 3,030 * 8 + 3
The gcd of 702,936 and 841,131 is the last non-zero remainder in the above calculation, which is 3.
Therefore, the gcd of 702,936 and 841,131 is 3.
Compute gcd of 702,936 and 841,131.
1 answer