To divide fractions, we need to invert the second fraction and multiply.
The division can be rewritten as: 1 1/6 × 2/1
To multiply fractions and mixed numbers, we multiply the whole numbers together, then multiply the numerators together, and multiply the denominators together.
1 1/6 × 2/1 = ( 1 × 6 + 1 ) / 6 × 2/1
= 7/6 × 2/1
= 14/6
To simplify the fraction, we can divide both the numerator and denominator by 2.
14/6 ÷ 2/2 = 14/6 ÷ 1
= 14/6
Since the numerator is greater than the denominator, we can express this result as a mixed number.
The whole number part will be the division of the numerator by the denominator.
14 ÷ 6 = 2 (with a remainder of 2)
Therefore, the mixed number in simplest form is:
2 2/6.
Simplifying further, we divide both the numerator and denominator of the fraction by their greatest common divisor, which is 2.
2/6 ÷ 2/2 = 1/3
So, the answer is:
2 1/3.
Compute: 1 1/6 ÷1/2 . Convert the answer to a mixed number in simplest form
1 answer