Complete the program below so it will generate three random numbers in the ranges indicated. Use the random.randrange() function to generate the numbers. All upper bounds listed are one larger than the largest desired value, so the random result will never actually match that value. To get consistent, testable results, the user will enter a seed value, and you must use the random.seed() function first and initialize the random number generator with the user's entered value.
1. Call random.seed() with the seedValue
2. Produce a random number between 0 and 100 and print the result to the screen with the message demonstrated below.
3. Produce a random number between 20 and 30 and print the result to the screen with the message demonstrated below.
4. Produce a random number between -10 and 10 and print the result to the screen with the message demonstrated below.
You can declare any local variables you like (if needed) to help finish your program. Parts of the print() statements are provided for you, but they are not complete.
The following examples demonstrate the expected output:
Enter integer seed: 1
Random value between 0 and 100 : 17
Random value between 20 and 30 : 29
Random value between -10 and 10: -8
Enter integer seed: 2
Random value between 0 and 100 : 7
Random value between 20 and 30 : 21
Random value between -10 and 10: -8
Enter integer seed: 3
Random value between 0 and 100 : 30
Random value between 20 and 30 : 29
Random value between -10 and 10: 7
import random
seedValue = int(input("Enter integer seed: "))
# student code here
print("Random value between 0 and 100 :",
print("Random value between 20 and 30 :",
print("Random value between -10 and 10:",
5 answers
seedValue = int(input("Enter integer seed: "))
rand_num1 = random.randrange(101)
rand_num2 = random.randrange(20, 31)
rand_num3 = random.randrange(-10, 11)
print("Random value between 0 and 100 :", rand_num1)
print("Random value between 20 and 30 :", rand_num2)
print("Random value between -10 and 10:", rand_num3)
In the corrected program provided earlier, you can see that each line within the block containing the random.seed() and random.randrange() calls is indented by 4 spaces. Here is an example of the correct indentation:
import random
seedValue = int(input("Enter integer seed: "))
rand_num1 = random.randrange(101)
rand_num2 = random.randrange(20, 31)
rand_num3 = random.randrange(-10, 11)
print("Random value between 0 and 100 :", rand_num1)
print("Random value between 20 and 30 :", rand_num2)
print("Random value between -10 and 10:", rand_num3)
In this code snippet, each line within the block is indented by four spaces to maintain consistency and comply with Python's indentation standards.