Complete each sentence using eh correct degree of comparison for each adverb i parentheses. Some of the forms are irregular.

I need know whether or not I'm doing it correctly or not.

1. (carefully) Does Jonah paint more carefully than Eden?

2. (soon) Which of the two e-mails arrived sooner?

3. (patiently) Who waited more patiently, Marta or Justin?

4. (badly) This is the least badly he's ever done on an exam.

5. (frequently) My car breaks down less frequently than yours.

6. (well) Lise swims better when she competes against others.

Are they correct?

Thank you for helping.

1 answer

All of them are correct except 6. Good job!

Since you're comparing Lisa with more than one other, you should use "best," rather than "better."