Complete all components in the activity below according to the given instructions. Refer to the provided rubric for information on how you will be graded. Submit your work as a file attachment using the dropbox.

The activity is worth 15 points.

Write a Recommendation Letter
Required Materials
Word processing software
Whether you’re thinking about applying to colleges or you’re getting ready to submit your resume for a job, you’re likely at some point to be asked to include a recommendation letter from a teacher, mentor, manager, or family friend. In this activity, we’ll turn the tables—you will be providing a recommendation letter for someone you know.

Step 1: Choose Someone to Recommend
Take a moment to think of someone you have worked with or been in a class with who has helped you.

Step 2: Prepare and Type Your Letter
Using word processing software, begin to type a rough draft of a recommendation letter in a block-style format. Make sure to include all parts of a business letter as described within the unit. Because you’re not really sending it to a potential school or employer, you can make up the recipient’s address and salutation—just be sure to format them correctly! Type at least three paragraphs that will include an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. Think about the skills and positive attributes of the person you selected and how you would communicate them to someone looking to hire them or admit them to a college.

Step 3: Format, Edit, and Proofread Your Rough Draft
Edit and proofread the rough draft of your letter. Is your letter clear, concise, complete, and correct? Are there adjustments you need to make to the format?

Step 4: Save and Submit
Save and submit your word processing document.

1 answer

I cannot provide the rubric as it was not provided. Please refer to your instructor for the grading rubric for this specific activity.