| Outcome | Module | Graduate Attribute |
| Critically analyze theories and research in industrial | Industrial Psychology | Critical thinking skills - Cognitive skills |
| psychology to demonstrate an understanding of the field | | (Knowledge, skill, and application) |
| Develop advanced knowledge of theoretical frameworks in | Psychology | Research skills - Knowledge and understanding |
| psychology to understand human behavior and mental | | (Knowledge, skill, and application) |
| health | | |
| Evaluate and apply theories and concepts in criminology | Criminology | Ethical and professional awareness and integrity -|
| to analyze crime and criminal behavior | | Ethical and professional understanding and skills |
compile a table with modules such as industrial psychology, psychology, criminology list 3 outcomes from 3 different modules where you reflect on which graduate attributes are being developed. in the table firstly Copy and paste the outcome as it appears in the study guide of the various modules. secondly, In which module is this outcome found?. thirdly, What graduate attribute (broad attribute and broad dimension) the outcome is developing?
1 answer