comparing a child from the urban area to a child from a rural area,who is prone to more criminal activities.Give reasons to your answers.

1 answer

When comparing children from urban areas to those from rural areas regarding their propensity for engaging in criminal activities, it is essential to consider various socio-economic, environmental, and cultural factors. It's important to note that criminality is a complex issue influenced by numerous variables, and no blanket statement can universally apply to all children in these areas. However, we can outline some general trends:

Children from Urban Areas

Prone to More Criminal Activities:

  1. Higher Population Density: Urban areas typically have larger populations, leading to a greater likelihood of anonymity. This can reduce the perceived risk of getting caught for criminal acts.

  2. Exposure to Crime: Children in urban environments may witness more crime (e.g., gang activity, drug use) and may normalize such behaviors. This exposure can increase the likelihood of emulating these behaviors.

  3. Social Disparities: Urban areas often have stark contrasts in wealth distribution, which may lead to increased feelings of relative deprivation among some children. This can result in seeking illicit means to achieve status or material goods.

  4. Peer Influence: The presence of gangs and delinquent peer groups in urban settings can exert significant pressure on children to engage in criminal activities as a way to belong or gain respect.

  5. Access to Resources: Urban areas may provide easier access to items (like drugs or stolen goods) that can facilitate crime due to the higher prevalence of such markets.

Children from Rural Areas

Less Prone to Criminal Activities:

  1. Community Cohesion: Rural areas often have closer-knit communities, which can create stronger social bonds and a greater sense of social accountability. These factors can deter criminal behavior.

  2. Lower Anonymity: The smaller populations mean children are less anonymous than in urban areas. The likelihood of being recognized and facing social consequences for criminal activity is higher.

  3. Limited Opportunities for Crime: Rural areas can have fewer criminal opportunities due to limited access to goods, services, and illicit markets. The physical distances can also hinder quick getaway for criminal acts.

  4. Positive Influences: Rural communities may offer stronger family structures or recreational opportunities that can positively influence behavior, reducing the inclination towards crime.


While children from urban areas are often seen as more prone to criminal activities due to factors such as higher crime exposure and peer pressures, rural children may also engage in delinquent behaviors under different circumstances, such as lack of supervision or limited opportunities. Ultimately, individual circumstances, family background, education, and community resources play critical roles in determining a child's likelihood of engaging in criminal behavior. Context cannot be ignored, and each child is influenced by unique sets of experiences and environments.